You are bored of the simple classic chat messages of Facebook ! Yeah and want something extra ordinary to propose your girlfriend , but can't afford to talk to Zuckerberg about it , not at all. So Deepak Kamat has the solution on how to do this. This is a list of all letters in customized , if you want to form a word just copy the codes in manner and where are space , just double space.
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Check the list :-
A = [[125022480947528]]
B = [[125279727588470]]
C = [[125021560947620]]
D = [[125279830921793]]
E = [[125279800921796]]
F = [[125023244280785]]
G = [[125017720948004]]
H = [[125283894254720]]
I = [[125020217614421]]
J = [[125018334281276]]
K = [[125020804281029]]
L = [[125279927588450]]
M = [[125279874255122]]
N = [[125279857588457]]
O = [[125022040947572]]
P = [[125279847588458]]
Q = [[125279784255131]]
R = [[125279750921801]]
S = [[125018587614584]]
T = [[125021194280990]]
U = [[125024057614037]]
V = [[125279720921804]]
W = [[125279704255139]]
X = [[125279910921785]]
Y = [[125279884255121]]
Z = [[125287347587708]]
So this is the list of all letters , if you want to form an word with spaces between , for example : WE ARE FRIENDS
you have to use this:
[[125279704255139]] [[125279800921796]] [[125022480947528]] [[125279750921801]] [[125279800921796]]
[[125023244280785]] [[125279750921801]] [[125020217614421]] [[125279800921796]] [[125279857588457]] [[125279830921793]] [[125018587614584]]
Remember if the sentence somewhere has Space , give double space and normally one space between a single word's letters.
Try this in your friend's chat . (with the space in middle of two lines)
[[125279830921793]] [[125279800921796]] [[125279800921796]] [[125279847588458]] [[125022480947528]] [[125020804281029]]
[[125020804281029]] [[125022480947528]] [[125279874255122]] [[125022480947528]] [[125021194280990]]
2.Try this :
[[125279874255122]] [[125020217614421]] [[125021560947620]] [[125283894254720]] [[125022480947528]] [[125279800921796]] [[125279927588450]]
[[125018334281276]] [[125022480947528]] [[125021560947620]] [[125020804281029]] [[125018587614584]] [[125022040947572]] [[125279857588457]]
3. 'Good Bye' :
[[125017720948004]] [[125022040947572]] [[125022040947572]] [[125279830921793]]
[[125279727588470]] [[125279884255121]] [[125279800921796]]
4. 'Thanks' :
[[125021194280990]] [[125283894254720]] [[125022480947528]] [[125279857588457]] [[125020804281029]] [[125018587614584]]
Don't select by separate , copy all the red in once
So now you can make your own customized words and sentences !!! Congrats .. LIKE and Share !!
Some useful links :-
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Make your own smileys
Santa Claus and Christmas' Smileys
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