Everyone is eagerly waiting for the new year (2013,2014,2015,2016,2017) 2018 and everyone is celebrating it in their own different way.
Select more than 50 Friends on Facebook using JavaScript
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Some months back I wrote a post that shows how to select all friends at once on Facebook using a small JavaScript snippet and it works good but there's one problem that needs to be fixed and this post is about it.
Embed PDF or Docs File In Blog Posts
Post written by Deepak Kamat
File formats like PDF, Docx, PPT etc. are used widely to share documents digitally. In this post we will talk about embedding or attaching such files into a blog post. This method can be used on any blogging platform.
Add a Background Image to Gadgets in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Making your blog beautiful means adding some eye catching images on the layout and gadget is one of the place where you may want to use a background image to spice up the look.
Removing Huge Space Between Posts in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
It happens a lot, I have seen people suffering from the pain of having large and mysterious space between posts or sometimes in different areas like sidebars.
Blogger Favicon not Updating - Fixed
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Favicon is a small icon file attached optionally to a web page using a link element as the website's icon to appear in the tabs, bookmarks and on different areas in various browsers.
How Stramaxon got PR 4 in this PageRank Update
Post written by Deepak Kamat
I won't call myself a pro but newbies bloggers in the field of tech always have one aim, to get a higher Google Toolbar pagerank but most of the times they don't succeed in getting a higher rank. In this month's (November) page rank update I got PR 4 and I wanted to share how I got such high rank.
Reiulanus Responsive Blogger Template
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Reiulanus Blogger Template is the newest and the most advanced Blogger template with a Responsive design and fluid layout. Responsive Design is what every site owners would like to have for their blog and especially for Blogger users, I have put my knowledge about responsive design in making this template.
Drive Interest to Your Blog
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Nowadays, almost everyone has their own blog whether for personal or business purposes. They can just post about anything from what they are doing in their career to what they do in their personal life. There are just too many blogs out there and people cannot possibly keep up with each and every one of them. It is similar to having a hundred conversations at once and this is not possible to do.
If you are the owner of a blog and you want people to read it, you want to make it interesting first. So how do you make your own blog interesting in a way that the traffic that it generates will keep coming back for more?
That is why if you are blogging not based primarily on your products or services, then start going for your target prospects instead and what they want to see. Identify the topics in this area that you know something of and provide information that you think will benefit your customers and help better understand what your company does.
If you are the owner of a blog and you want people to read it, you want to make it interesting first. So how do you make your own blog interesting in a way that the traffic that it generates will keep coming back for more?
Avoid Writing About Yourself
Most of the B2B blogs by companies have dominant information regarding their products and services, updates, upgrades and benefits. Almost all of us bloggers have made this kind of content, and while some of do belong in a blog, it should just be sprinkled as a topping lightly and nothing more. There is no one outside of your business that is going to make it a point to have your self-focused content read all the time.That is why if you are blogging not based primarily on your products or services, then start going for your target prospects instead and what they want to see. Identify the topics in this area that you know something of and provide information that you think will benefit your customers and help better understand what your company does.
Commit to a Schedule
Being consistent in posting regularly and having a schedule will keep your blog up to date. Even if you are just publishing short posts, make it a habit that you need to accomplish and stick to this. If you are more concentrated on the usual topics that you are blogging about, you can just save these interesting topics that you find over time.Have Your Own Point of View
Being opinionated even if it is going to turn some people off is important when blogging. Try to critique something if you have an expertise in an area. Have your own strong point of view even if the topic is controversial. It is important that you define your own company’s voice in the community and this is going to prove essential when you are creating content that you want people to discuss and share with each other.Center Your Content in Factual Data
It is the backbone of a lot of popular blogs to have solid information that can be placed in visual form. One of the best sources for interesting data that you can center on in your blog posts is through surveys and polls. If you do not have the time to spare in collecting data for your own needs, there are a lot of public sources that you can utilize in order to obtain the data for you to draw from. Although the data that you present may not be original, placing this in a chart will add value that readers are going to appreciate.The Author
Norris Lasay is a writer on business, the high speed Internet and broadband at Broadband Expert. Norris spends his free time contributing ideas for other blogs related to these niches.Understanding Responsive Design And Using It
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Responsive Design, it is what you will hear all around in a forum of web designers/developers. Some people don't even have any idea about it and most of them are business owners who just want their website's work to be done.
Stramaxon Celebrating it's First Birthday
Post written by Deepak Kamat
I am very happy today, it's been 1 year since I started the blog and running it successfully.
Blogger Interface Has Become A Complete Mess
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Since I started Blogging, Blogger CMS was my first choice, because it performs better than any CMS out there. But from some weeks, it's behaving strangely and doesn't work smooth as it used to before.
Is Feedburner Down ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Shockingly Feedburner is acting strange. Readers are gone from the Feedburner account.
Say Goodbye To Old Blogger Interface
Post written by Deepak Kamat
I came to know that reverting option to old Interface is no longer there where it used to be and that means Old Interface is now just a history
Transformation of Stramaxon to a Web NEWS Blog
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This is a personal note, I don't usually write personal notes in a blog post but this is going to be a big change for this blog and also the readership.
Infographic About Responsive Web Design
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Responsive Design is getting very important with time and almost every website has a responsive design and that's important because 30% of people visits your site with a hand device like an iPad or a Mobile Phone.
Social Share Count Fluctuated After Custom Domain Change
Post written by Deepak Kamat
If your are on Blogger or any other website being run on a sub-domain for example .blogspot.com or .wordpress.com you have the option to have your own purchased domain on it but if you have did it already then you would have noticed the share count on post are all reset.
Sinhala Font in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Bloggers in different country needs different fonts that supports their language, most of them are already in the computer but when you are talking about some forgotten languages then you hardly get it on computers, then you need to get a font for it on your web page and so in Blogger.
Seperated Box for Gadgets in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogging is about the content and it's most important thing you need on your blog but design matters too for your readers and visitors to be on the page for a longer time. This design tutorial will teach you to add designed borders around your gadgets to make it more beautiful on your blog.
Change default styles of heading in Blogger template
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This has been a minor disturbance for users using default templates from blogger or also on some premium or free third party templates. Blogger have some very odd styles for headings like <h1><h2>...<h6>. This post shows you an easy and effective way to make it as the way you want.
Creating more than 20 pages on Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogger already has amazing features for bloggers but there are some limitation which are not acceptable sometimes. And one of the limitation is that you can only create 20 Static pages and in this article i will be telling how can you create more than 20 pages.
Infolinks is giving a chance to win iPhone 5
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Infolinks have just launched their new mobile application, that not just giving you more control on your Infolinks account but also giving it's user (like me) a chance to win iPhone 5
Add a Paypal donate button in Blogspot blog 2012
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Paypal has now become the biggest way of receiving and sending money online, Paypal provides a wide variety of tools to help you earn more and one is the donation button, you will get to know how to easily add a Paypal donate gadget in Blogger.
Choosing keywords that will drive more traffic to your blog
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Your blog is not doing too well? Or can't decide what to write about on your blog ? Then this SEO tip will surely increase the visibility of your blog in search engine.
Support your country for London 2012 Olympic by your Blog
Post written by Deepak Kamat
London 2012 Olympic is obviously trending up on the web and that's the magic of the Olympic games. As a blogger don't you feel like supporting your country by putting up a badge on your website or blog ?
6 Reasons to stay on Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Since the launch of WordPress and Blogger, there's war not between the two CMS but between it's users. Those who use Blogger takes the blogger's side and those who use WP stays at it's side. These two CMS have there own pros and cons and you can use any one, this post is just for a reference.
HTML5: Past, Present and Future Infographic from Dot Com Infoway
Post written by Deepak Kamat
HTML5, the newest web standard which is now globally used for a more interactive web.
Speed up our blog by hosting CSS files externally
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Nowadays, blogs and websites are ranked on basis of various factors and page load speed is also one of the factor on which your search rank depends.
Static update/notice message with hover effect for Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Have you ever been away for your vacations and you can't update on your blog ? Don't you feel your readers would wonder why aren't you posting anymore, maybe they will even leave you blog because your blog is inactive. In this post i will be telling you how to add static message box on your blog.
Implement PrismJs Syntax Highlighting to your Blogger/BlogSpot
Post written by Deepak Kamat
As the web becomes more open source and beautiful, programmers and designers are coming up with their own ideas. Syntax Highlighter is the most used code highlighter for websites since it was the first of it's kind and opensource. The web has changed then and now and you need a brand new Syntax highlighting plugin that really looks like the 2012's site
Remove default share buttons from Dynamic Views Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Dynamic views is now used by many people. But everyone don't want every feature of Dynamic views and e the share buttons are a feature that many Blogger users asked me how to remove it, this tutorial is specially for them.
Hover effect Heat meter design Popular post widget on Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Any Blogger blog can be easily customized but did you know that we can also customize the existing gadgets ? It becomes very easy to design gadgets on a blog with CSS and i love doing it. In this tutorial you will learn about adding heat meter style for popular post gadget.
Google+ tab option in Blogger interface
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Since the launch of Google+, almost every part of Google had change and Blogger is also one of them. Recently blogger have made some changes and attached Google+ as tab in Blogger dashboard.
Why never use sites and services that provides Facebook likes
Post written by Deepak Kamat
If you are blogger and own a Facebook for your blog then at the start your blog you won't get fans and subscribers instantly and due to that, frustrated peoples with less likes on their FB pages starts finding ways to get instant likes and fans on their page and using services provided by websites to increase your likes count but is it okay to use those service ? Read further for more information
Why URL of deleted blog is not available for new blogs in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogger is undoubtedly the most used Blogger platform and over 80% of Blogger user uses .blogspot.com domain provided by Blogger for free and people love to have their desired blogspot address for their blogs.
Add Syntax Highlighter into Blogger to display codes
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Syntax Highlighter is a widely used code highlighter on websites and blogs, almost every web developer, web designers or any people who want display codes on their pages. In this tutorial you will learn how to add it on your blog on blogger.
Blank white screen when creating or editing post in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
The new Blogger User Interface really gives bloggers a feel of the web 2.0 and i mostly use the New Interface, i rarely face any problem with the New UI but there are people having difficulties running the New Blogger UI.
Put videos, photos or any HTML in Tabs in Blogger with Jquery
Post written by Deepak Kamat
There have been many question about adding content into easily switchable tabs without any page load, blogger users normally don't find using JQuery and most of them never headed to the Jquery plugin site, the instruction are complicated there and it's not easily understandable. But i will give easy and clear instruction to install this Tabs JQuery plugin on Blogger.
Listverse like Template for Blogger - 'The Thriller Template' premium
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This template is the Blogger version of the theme used on the site Listverse.com, the original theme is for Wordpress and it's for $70, i thought of making template for Blogger that looks like it and make it affordable.
Listverse like Number Listing design for Blogger and Websites
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Listverse, one of the most interesting site with collection of top 10 list on different topic. If you are also a regular reader of Listverse like me then you may know about it's list numbering design, it is what led me to create this tutorial.
Add 'Read Previous post' link at bottom of Posts in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
If you have a well structured blog with links to right things at right places then your chances of getting more readers increases and that's what any blogger wants. This tutorial shows you how to add an good looking link to previous post at bottom of every post automatically.
Why Cultek(dot)com is in referring sites in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Cultek(dot)com, this is what in the news in blogosphere and many are asking why in my referring sites list ? Are you getting some visitors from their, your blog has become famous and many things comes in mind but don't you want to check what is it actually ?
Switching to Custom domain effects existing backlinks ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
There are hundreds of questions in one's mind when he is going to change his blogspot or wordpress domain to their own custom domain.One of the most common question is about backlink, backlink is important for SEO and Pagerank, so this may always be a concern but is it really affects your backlinks ?
Create Google like Scroll bar in blogger blog
Post written by Deepak Kamat
If you look back at Google web pages back in mid 2011, they were simple just like a classic web page like other pages but 2012 seems to be a design year and that's why each and every big company painted their web pages with dynamic looks and features. One of the extraordinary thing about Google is it's scroll bars, they are just awesome and anyone wants to implement it, this tutorial will show you how to do that.
'Dream blog' - 2nd version of best SEO template
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This is the second version of our best SEO template called 'Dream Blog', we got positive feedback about 'Dream Blog' template and also got some suggestion regarding the Template. This new version is more better than the older one but both works great for SEO.
Focus on SEO or the Content ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
To become a professional blogger you also need to have good numbers of readers on your blog which is only possible when you get traffic through search engines but do you only focus on optimizing your search engine rankings ? Let's learn why content is prior.
Embed Slideshow in blog post from Picasa
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Many Blogger users wanted to use a slideshow technique in Blogger, but they don't have the idea to do it. This tutorial will tell you an easy and working way to put slideshow into post.
Infolinks getting into the HTML5 mode
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Since the start of 2012, HTML5 and CSS3 took over the internet and the two most popular website Google and Facebook painted them with HTML5 and the CSS3 and that was not the end many small sites also began to redesign.
Hover effect on images in posts - Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This is an easy trick but an amazing one too, bring the photos in your post to life with this hover effect trick.
Center gadgets tittle in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
The gadgets title in blogger are aligned to left by default, read this tutorial to know how to align it to center or a different direction.
Show/Hide effect for Gadgets in Blogger with JQuery
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Don't you sometime feel like adding more dynamics to your blog and make it more user friendly, like giving them their own control like toggling show/hide of a gadget. You will learn how to do that in Blogger.
Adding any thing under every post
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Bloggers with less experience with some advance feature of HTML and Blogger will always end up adding 'Thank for reading this post' under every blog they post, but there is much easier way to add any thing, from normal text to good looking HTML elements below the post.
Disable users from selecting text and images on blog/website
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Bloggers using tricks to disable right click are benefited in ways. They may have surely get red of their content being copied.
Disable right click without using JavaScripts
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Disabling right click on websites and blogs are very popular nowadays just to ensure that no one can copy content from their website.
What Alexa is exactly about? - Explained
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Alexa rankings are now seen before someone buys a website or want to advertise on it. It ranks a web site on the basis of it's traffic and demographics count. But this is just a common description about Alexa, there is more you need to know about Alexa for getting a better rank in Alexa.
How to use Chrome developer tools
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Chrome is the best browser for any web developer like me, it's just all i want to discover new things online such as new designs and techniques to make the web better. So, today i will give some basic tips on using Chrome developer tools to understand your own website/blog structure better.
Under line gadgets title in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
You can see how i have underlined my gadget's title to make it look different from rest of the widget content and it is a good way to keep your blog user interface easy.
How to publish your content to a larger audience?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
How frustrating it's when you create a post after hardwork of hours but what you see is that not a single pageview on it ! That makes us feel that our work is worth nothing even we created something that should reach peoples.
How fast page speed can improve your search ranks
Post written by Deepak Kamat
As you know how serious Google is about content and it's genuineness but Google also takes page load speed of any website as an important factor in ranking pages.
What to do with post which is not quality content posted back in past
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Everything has a start and same for a blog and a blogger. When you start a blog you are way new to create optimized content on your site and you end up writing post that even you don't think it's up to the mark when you have reached the next stage of your blogging career.
Is your blogger blog owned by Google ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
I am a Blogger user from start and have been using Blogger for more than 2 years. Blogging is easy with Blogger but there's a fiction that don't have any base.
Hover effect and Expandable Search box for Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Search box is now a compulsory gadget in every blog for ease of access to the contents on any blog or website. I had already posted a tutorial on creating a classic but good looking search bar for blogger.
Blogging without fear
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogging is not an easy work. Although it's not even a work but if you want your blogging career to be successful then it's difficult to get to the top.
12 Tips from Infolinks to optimize our sites
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Infolinks is a big name in blogging community, it gives small bloggers a chance of proving themselves and earn money through intext advertisement. I have been using Infolinks for more than 1 year and it has been a great experience.
'Dream Blog' best SEO friendly Blogger Template free
Post written by Deepak Kamat
99% of Templates in Blogger aren't that SEO friendly so I thought of launching my own template to let other bloggers use it. This template is one of the best template in Blogger because it doesn't use much images for backgrounds and that makes your blog load faster. There are more other features of this template.
Blogger should introduce a Theme Store
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogger is undoubtedly the most used blogging platform, big or small, bloggers of all levels use blogger as their blogging platform. Blogger themes are another element of a blog, blog with good templates and looks are always attractive. Blogger provides different types of template for blogs but they are limited, and most of them aren't updated, so it makes your blog back of 2007, there are options to design your own template by HTML,CSS and JavaScript but general bloggers will find it difficult to learn new web languages to create a new blogger template.
Guest blog post writing explained by Deepak Kamat
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Guest posting on blogs is very common among tech bloggers, thousands of new bloggers enter the blogosphere but most of them are completely unknown to what they may do when starting a blog. In this post you will learn how to create a good reputation and write guest post on big blogs.
Anonymous comments on Blogs, beware it's spam
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Spam, some hates this word and some who are used to spam loves 'spam'. I had previously written some articles on referral spam, which helped thousand of people to understand what is it and avoid it. But now when it's fading out a different spam took over.
Buy a blogger template or use a free one ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Apart from the content, template design is also important. Search engines don't see your template design so design doesn't matter in SEO but the people seeing your blog needs a good user interface for navigating through your blog. Nobody wants to read a blog with no design or an outdated design blogs.
Blogger Comment design like on 'Spice up your blog'
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Big blogs like SpiceUpYourBlog is inspiration source to many people. Spice up your blog or SYB is a blog on blog designs, SEO tips and etc. Paul Crowe the owner of SYB is very knowledgeable about blogging and web design. In this tutorial you will learn how to make your blogger comment system design like on Spiceup your blog.
HTML/CSS Color Picker
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Don't know how to change the HEX color values or not sure about the colors you get by a particular HEX, HSL or RGB color codes then you are at the right place.
Text background appearing white when published post - Fix it
Post written by Deepak Kamat
There are thousands of people out there using blogger templates with black post background and post editor we have got at blogger uses inline CSS style for applying styles to text or any elements, let's try to find why these makes the text background white sometimes which usually looks like a white bar.
Change the position of post area in Blogger Dynamic Views
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogger Dynamic views is completely different than a custom Blog. It's named the Dynamic Views because it is Dynamic. The post area in Classic mode of Dynamic Views is in center by default, but if you want it to be on the right or left or just not in the center then you are at the right place.
How to create 'Next' 'Previous' buttons like DamnLOL in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
If you have a photography blog, then you have always wanted to have Next and Older post buttons just like the buttons in DamnLOL. We are just going to teach you how to make buttons like that.
Earnings Tab Not Enabled for my Blogger Blog
Post written by Deepak Kamat
There are numerous posts in the Blogger Help Forum about the disappearance of Earnings tab in the Blogger Dashboard. But it's not an error from the Blogger system, there's a reason behind it.
No one is reading my blog, should i stop posting ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogging is not a game, it's competition not between two, hundred or thousand people, you have to compete with Millions of bloggers having the same topics around the world. People who are new to blogging don't know what's the key to form your own audience.
Website/Blog Being redirect to fileave(dot)com or pagesintxt(dot)com - Fix it
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This is a very annoying problem, but this happened to lots of users, when they tried to open their blog, they were redirected to a weird and unexpected site, in some cases it was either a domain which consist a name 'Fileave' or 'Pageintxt'.
Keep gadgets visible or opened in Dynamic Views
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Don't you think visitors don't like gadgets being hidden in the side, how they would ever know that there's something on right side of page. Dynamic Views hover effects are great but some people don't like hidden stuffs at all. I will show you how to keep the gadget's in view even if it's not being hovered.
Advanced Feedburner Subscription gadget for Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Previously i posted a tutorial on adding a shiny Feedburner subscription widget. This widget is the 2nd version of that subscription gadget. This time it's very classic and looks clean.
Sidebar shifted to bottom of Blog in Blogger - Fix it
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Sometimes errors in Bloggers are frustrating, especially when it's with the look of the blog. No one wants their blog to look cluttered. Sidebar shifting to bottom of the page is one of the most common error in Blogger. This post will tell you the reason and solution of it.
Change position or remove 'Send Feedback' in Blogger's Dynamic views
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Dynamic views, the latest blogger templates by Blogger is series of Blogger designs, that's not much editable for general users. But with CSS we can redesign our blog even using Dynamic views. In this post you are going to learn how to remove or change the position of 'Send Feedback' button from your Blog using Dynamic Views.
How to get rid of these BX error codes
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Bx-error codes are mysterious but annoying error which has become every blogger users nightmare and that puts them from using Blogger. Writing this post to help you get rid of these BX-error codes.
Remove LinkWithin Attribution under 'You might like this' Gadget in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
A short tutorial for people who want to remove the attribution 'LinkWithin' under the LinkWithin gadget, actually LinkWithin has added it to popularize themselves but if you don't want it there then we are ready to help your remove it.
How to implement Analytics when using Dynamic Views on Blogger ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Google Analytics, the best service for your site's stats. It's used by millions and most Blogger users use Analytics, but the question comes "how do you add analytics code when you are using Dynamic Views".
How to get into Old Blogger Interface even the option is not available ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogger have announced to discontinue the old Interface in Blogger, but in some countries the interface already has been removed or the option to revert back to old Interface is no longer available. In this tutorial i will show you how to get into the old Blogger GUI even the option isn't available.
How to customize backgrounds colors of Lightbox in blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Are you bored of the basic black color background when pictures are shown in the Lightbox ? Yaa, who wouldn't be, think how fun it would be to have a different design lightbox. In this tutorial i will show you how to customize the lightbox.
Remove Blogger/Google+ icon following your Blogger Profile name
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogger recently made changes to the templates or i may say the Profile gadget, it's not such a big change, they have only added a small Blogger icon following the Blogger Profile name. In this tutorial i will be showing how to remove the Blogger Icon.
Upload .xml template file on blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This short is tutorial is on how to upload an .xml template file in Blogger. Note that only .xml files can be uploaded as template in Blogger.
'Shabby Blogs' is detected as a Malware site
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Shabby Blogs, a well known website for Bloggers to design their blogs with backgrounds,buttons,tutorials and many more things has been blacklisted on Google.
Displaying wrong Authorship in Google search results ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
One of the best feature 'Authorship markup' is obviously great for authors of blogs and websites, it takes some time to update in Google Search results but feels good when it do, it gives more accessibility for users to see the author of the blog. But the fun is ruined because of some errors that Google is facing.Let's talk
Find Bloggers in your city or locality
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This article will highlight how to find bloggers in your city or locality, it's a good thing to find bloggers in your city that will create a good network of bloggers in your own city.
How to make an Animated header without Flash in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
My blog's header is something that most of my readers asks 'how to make a header like that', this post is especially for them. You can use Flash to make a header animate but the problem is that flash makes website slower but with CSS it's too easy and comfortable, it's friendly with the page. Let's see how to make header like mines
'Subscribe to this blog' gadget under every posts to get more readers
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Bloggers today want more readers for their blog, even if you are getting traffic it's not important that you will get readers for sure, you have to create a stunning and good looking gadget that will suite your blog. This tutorial will teach you how to make one.
Blog posts showing twice on Blogger? Fix it
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This short tutorial will show you how to solve the double posts issue that blogger user suffer, even i don't know why this happens probably double HTML of blog post in the template or some other errors.
Remove shadows from content outer in Blogger Default Template
Post written by Deepak Kamat
If you are using the simple template or default template provided by Blogger, you will see shadows on content outer, some people likes it and some wants to remove it, so this tutorial is for those who don't want the shadows.
Post Customization is back in Blogger Help forum
Post written by Deepak Kamat
The new Blogger help forum first gave a full customization options for members to customize their reply, but after few days, they discontinued it, don't know why. But it's back now.
Apply CSS only on Post Page, Archive page or only a specific page on Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This tutorial will help you learn how to render a CSS only on post pages or homepage, this is helpful if you want different design for home-page and post pages.
Earn money online by writing
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Today internet is a huge medium for many people to earn money online, and today i will highlight one of the easiest way to earn money online, writing!
Place an Admin tag next to your disqus comments
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Disqus is the best comment service for blogs and websites, it's free and anyone can use it, today I am going to show you how to create an Admin tag on your comments on your website to make your comments different from others.
Using small picture background for better Experience
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Most of new bloggers use big pictures for their thumbnail to illustrate their blog, the blog looks quite good but the main problem is loading time, even delay of micro seconds may cause low pagrank, speed matters alot in Pagerank. So read this to know how to prevent this.
Making Custom Templates for Bloggers
Post written by Deepak Kamat
There are many peoples who ask me to post a guide on making Custom Templates for blogger, but i never answered them, so this is the post that will help them through it.
Create loading bar design like Gmails loading bar
Post written by Deepak Kamat
The famous and eye pleasing design of Google has took over and the designs of Google is getting better and better, recently Google made changes to it's Gmails homepage and the loading page and the most amazing design was of the loading bar, the blue loading bar with moving image in it makes it look more professional, now let's see how to make it.
Print your blog to a Book
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Most people blog about their daily life, babies, marriage photos and more other things that they want as a memory, these types of Blogs are just like a diary that's everyone to read, but reading it online and on a book is a huge difference. Even internet is a modern tool for modern generation but people yet love Books more.
ww4(dot)strongdxgsoft(dot)com Another referrer spam site: Beware !
Post written by Deepak Kamat
These days referrer spams are coming up in a huge number, we are strictly against it and want it to be down, but not even Google can do anything about it, but writing has the power to anything, so here's my another post about Referrer spam. Here i am experiencing it myself, so i really really want to write about this.
How to make thumbnail and post excerpts display on homepage
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This post will show how how to make post thumbnail and post excerpts (summary) on homepage to give your visitors more detailed view about your post, the post excerpts here are more beautiful and well designed in CSS, and your visitors will fall in love with these compact and cool looking thumbnails + excerpts.
How to remove shadows from Pictures in Bloggers Template
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Some templates in Blogger such as 'Simple Template' have shadows around pictures, some might be ok with it, but some wants their picture to be without the shadow and pictures, so this tutorial is useful to those who want shadow to be removed.
What Apple should change in their site
Post written by Deepak Kamat
A short post to give advice to Apple that what they should change in their website, i know the people there are more experienced than me, but it's just an advice that Apple would love reading.
Sonicgang - A good website for kids
Post written by Deepak Kamat
These days kids are seeing what they shouldn't, i mean they are yet to learn many things, but they waste their precious time online doing useless thing such as online chatting and etc. Which can endanger the future of a child.
Check who +1 your blog post on Google+
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This article will show you two ways to see who +1 your content on Google+, it always puts you in curiosity that who shared your contents, on Twitter we can easily see who tweeted the link but there's no easy way for a normal person to understand it their shelves so i have to write this post.
Show different cursor for links of Gadgets in Dynamic views
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogger's Dynamic views template have plenty of problems, this is one of them, the links of Gadget doesn't show the right cursor for the link and that's why it looks not so professional. We have found a solution to it, it's very easy but good idea.
10 Reasons to use Infolinks for you site
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Infolinks, an In-Text ad serving network started in May 2007 by a small but talented team of Engineers has become a big name today.
Beware of ww4(dot)savegco.antivir(dot)com
Post written by Deepak Kamat
The website ww4. savegco.anitvir .com is a problem to many new Blogger and website owners, they have complaint suddent change in their Stats and can see this website as referring site. Let's see what's it.
Blogger Page Title doesn't show correctly for Dynamic templates in Firefox
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Blogger's blog are facing problem to show the accurate Page Title on Firefox tab, instead of showing the Page Title, it's shows the Url
White Blank box showing up on my Blog page - How to fix it?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Are you seeing blank white box on your blog or website page, those box looks too weird on the our website or blog, so this tutorial post will show what it is and how to remove it.
Infolinks Mad for Mad Men (and Women) Infographic
Post written by Deepak Kamat
You will see a new and interesting infographic from Infolinks, the title 'Mad Men' is an American TV show series, Infolinks said they love the series alot, they have named the Infographic as 'Mad Men in the modern Tech World'
Blogger finaly shows Quick Edits on Country Specific Domains too !
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Quick edit icons were not showing due to country specific redirection Google started for blogger blog, but it got fixed by Google today.
How to convert an ECM file to BIN
Post written by Deepak Kamat
I will show the use of ECM file and will also give a tutorial on how to convert it to any usable format like BIN
PostCron - Free and easy Post Scheduler
Post written by Deepak Kamat
PostCron is a Facebook app that schedules your post for your pages and profile, easily set the time and relax it will do all for you.
Access Edit HTML in Dynamic Views Template
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This short tutorial will show you how to access Edit HTML in dynamic views template
Show more than 200 comments on Blogger post
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This tutorial will show you how to show more than 200 comments on Blogger posts
Backup the Blog Template in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
A short and easy guide how to backup your template of your blogger blog, so that you will always have a copy of working template.
Transfer a blog from one account to another Account
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This tutorial will show you how to transfer control of a blog from one account to another, it's easy.
How to add CSS to your blogger blog
Post written by Deepak Kamat
In this tutorial you will learn how to add custom styles to your blog with CSS on Blogger.
Switch off word verification for comments in Blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Many bloggers have complained about how to switch off word verification for blogger blogs, the process is really easy.
Quickedit don't show anymore! Why ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat
We will talk about why Blogger don't show Quickedit (the pencil icon) on blogs to edit gadgets on site when logged in.
Facebook and other social media gadget for blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This tutorial will teach you how to create a good looking social media gadget for blogs
New help forums from Google on 9 March
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Everything is changing with time, Facebook, Twitter and Google have changed alot, now Google is making changes to it's look and features.
Good looking search bar for your blog or website
Post written by Deepak Kamat
In this tutorial i will show you how to make a good looking Google+ style searchbar for your own blog or website with simple CSS and HTML codes.
Remove empty space left on top after removing navbar from blog
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This tutorial will show you how remove the empty space on top after you removed the navbar, the empty space on top after removing the timeline doesn't look so good and thus many people want to remove it as well, show let's start.
Facebook pages getting new look 30 March
Post written by Deepak Kamat
We will discuss about the new features for Facebook pages as Facebook has made the word out.
How to select all friends at once to invite friends on Facebook
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Facebook friend invites are useful to invite your friends to view your website or to like your new Facebook page etc. you will see friends invite almost everywhere on Facebook.
Create false Facebook wall conversation
Post written by Deepak Kamat
There are many reason we should try making fake/false Facebook wall conversation, one of the most popular reason is for funny pictures, we can also edit screenshots with paint or photoshop to make conversation in the screenshot but it take a long time.
Go back in past of Websites
Post written by Deepak Kamat
You fond some sites that are very popular, like Matt Cutt's blog and after browsing it for sometime, some thought come into your mind that how this site used to look in early days when it was new. But you can't find anyway to do it, other than asking a scientist for an "Time Machine".
Add new handwriting fonts in your blog or website
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Have you visited to a site having so much fancy fonts, but your website has simple web safe fonts. Don't worry you can also have fonts like that in your blog or website.
How to fix error with x-webkit-speech in blogger
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This tutorial is about fixing some known problems with x-webkit-speech attribute, this attribute is commonly used in HTML for integrating aa speech input in text-areas like search box, comments etc.
"Angry birds Space" what this
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Angry Birds a big name in gaming industry broken all records, if you are here then you already know what's Angry Birds is about. The game is available for Facebook,PC , Chrome Browser and Mobile Devices. It's a hit on all platforms. It's has various version available for gamers to play.The newest is Angry Birds Space.
Remove Post Footer from blogger blogs
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Post Footer are useful in blogs, but when you get more professional in blogging you will find that it's not important in my blog anymore,Post-footer has a share button,rating poll etc. but you can also add it later yourself if you want, most of the professional blogger has removed it and in place of it they put their own sharing buttons, which I will show in my future post. So subscribe blog with email.
Make good hover effect buttons
Post written by Deepak Kamat
I have made the hover button already on my Contact Us page, making these types of buttons are easy today because of CSS3, when we hover on the button it expands. And that make's the button look very cool, one of my friend saw the button on my Contact Page, and asked me how to make that so I am writing a post on 'How to make professional looking hover effect buttons'.
Remove the Navbar from blogger blogs
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Navbar is an inbuilt widget for all blogs with .blogspot.com ending, Navbar is bar on top of the page having useful thing as search box, but also a feature that most of us don't like it, there's always a link called "Next Blog" which makes our blog look dull as it take our visitors to other's blog for no reason and that the thing we don't want in our blog. Don't worry, although nothing is impossible with HTML and CSS.
Something's wrong with Google's new 404 Error Page
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Google, a huge name today, the source of all information, currently ranked #1 on Alexa, all because of it's accuracy. All workers and employees in Google must be experienced well in their field and that makes Google an internet giant.
Working with Google Webmaster Tools
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Webmaster is a Google's product, which is free and used by many website owners to manage their site on the web, and also to increase traffic. Learn more about Google Webmaster in this post.
Blogs turned to .in from .com !
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Today when I opened my blog , and was reading some articles on it to correct them, I noticed something strange and different, the address bar was giving the feel it used to give before it was only because the URL of my blog changed to .in from .com I was really shocked that what had happen, i did nothing yesterday or today to the settings, so what's the problem is ? So to satisfy myself, i tried to open my friend's blog who is also an Indian and his blog was also changed to .in from .com
Turn your pictures into ASCII with ASCIIFI
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Converting pictures into ASCII text is an very old art, the art is continuing from the 60s .In this a picture is turned into text from a normal picture, back in the 60s when this there were not computer programs to make a picture ASCII , people used to do it with hands , those people who do this are professional and have years of experience of doing this.A human can do a better ASCII art than a computer because , if a human wants he can make the text like whatever he wants to make a perfect match picture to the original normal picture.
SOPA and PIPA endangered the future of open Internet. Wikipedia and many websites blacked out.
Post written by Deepak Kamat
We all know Wikipedia is the most reliable source of information we ever search on Google , from a Mobile phone to Space Shuttle it gives as all information on 'What it is ?'. It's currently ranked on 6th in Alexa Ranking.We all come to know that how important is the open internet for us from keeping up with friends to making money we could do all this on Internet,but SOPA and PIPA is blocking all open internet site like Facebook,Google,Wikipedia,Yahoo for next 24 hours.Wikipedia says that U.S congressman are considering legislation that could damage the free and open internet today, means we would not be able to contact our friends or work on our website, without a free internet on this earth we will feel like we are in back 1920.
Facebook Page - Facebook made a mistake in a post.
Post written by Deepak Kamat
We all know Facebook is a giant social networking site where you interact with peoples you know in real life and keep up with your friends. Facebook is a big hit today because of it's hard work and perfectness , in no way it has any mistake including it Facebook Fan Page . So you want to know where Facebook made an mistake !
How to remove the new Facebook Timeline profile
Post written by Deepak Kamat
About 80% of people on Facebook has the new Facebook timeline when they saw the invitation to integrate it , without and knowledge about the new timeline they integrated it , but when it was in beta mode i already tried the Timeline so i knew how it was thus i didn't integrated timeline after it launched to the general users.
How to find my Facebook join date ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat

I was searching the internet to find a way to know my joining date on Faebook, this is January and I remember that 2011 January i jonied Facebook but don't remember the exact date, after minutes of searching i found a page where some ways were provided , but i already had that in my mind.
So I am writing those procedures 'find when i joined Facebook' :
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