Today when I opened my blog , and was reading some articles on it to correct them, I noticed something strange and different, the address bar was giving the feel it used to give before it was only because the URL of my blog changed to .in from .com I was really shocked that what had happen, i did nothing yesterday or today to the settings, so what's the problem is ? So to satisfy myself, i tried to open my friend's blog who is also an Indian and his blog was also changed to .in from .com
Blogs turned to .in from .com !
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Turn your pictures into ASCII with ASCIIFI
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Converting pictures into ASCII text is an very old art, the art is continuing from the 60s .In this a picture is turned into text from a normal picture, back in the 60s when this there were not computer programs to make a picture ASCII , people used to do it with hands , those people who do this are professional and have years of experience of doing this.A human can do a better ASCII art than a computer because , if a human wants he can make the text like whatever he wants to make a perfect match picture to the original normal picture.
SOPA and PIPA endangered the future of open Internet. Wikipedia and many websites blacked out.
Post written by Deepak Kamat
We all know Wikipedia is the most reliable source of information we ever search on Google , from a Mobile phone to Space Shuttle it gives as all information on 'What it is ?'. It's currently ranked on 6th in Alexa Ranking.We all come to know that how important is the open internet for us from keeping up with friends to making money we could do all this on Internet,but SOPA and PIPA is blocking all open internet site like Facebook,Google,Wikipedia,Yahoo for next 24 hours.Wikipedia says that U.S congressman are considering legislation that could damage the free and open internet today, means we would not be able to contact our friends or work on our website, without a free internet on this earth we will feel like we are in back 1920.
Facebook Page - Facebook made a mistake in a post.
Post written by Deepak Kamat
We all know Facebook is a giant social networking site where you interact with peoples you know in real life and keep up with your friends. Facebook is a big hit today because of it's hard work and perfectness , in no way it has any mistake including it Facebook Fan Page . So you want to know where Facebook made an mistake !
How to remove the new Facebook Timeline profile
Post written by Deepak Kamat
About 80% of people on Facebook has the new Facebook timeline when they saw the invitation to integrate it , without and knowledge about the new timeline they integrated it , but when it was in beta mode i already tried the Timeline so i knew how it was thus i didn't integrated timeline after it launched to the general users.
How to find my Facebook join date ?
Post written by Deepak Kamat

I was searching the internet to find a way to know my joining date on Faebook, this is January and I remember that 2011 January i jonied Facebook but don't remember the exact date, after minutes of searching i found a page where some ways were provided , but i already had that in my mind.
So I am writing those procedures 'find when i joined Facebook' :
Wish Happy Birthday message in Facebook chat
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Today one of my friend requested me to teach how to make Happy Birthday Greetings in Facebook chat with customized font like the way i made Happy New Year 2012 greetings which really got popular ! and many more smileys i made got popular and are being used on Facebook chat by Millions of people.Santa Claus , Troll FAce and Many smileys
So let's see 'How to make Happy Birthday Smiley in Facebook Chat' :-
Just Copy and paste this code in your friend's Chat window and wish him !Wishing your Friends in normal plain text is old use some text with magic !
[[125283894254720]] [[125022480947528]] [[125279847588458]] [[125279847588458]] [[125279884255121]]
[[125279727588470]] [[125020217614421]] [[125279750921801]] [[125021194280990]] [[125283894254720]] [[125279830921793]] [[125022480947528]] [[125279884255121]]
And you will get this :-
Remember you can make your own message , any message you want 'hi' 'hello' whatever you want here : MAKE YOUR OWN MAGICAL WORDS
Your friend will be really happy after seeing the message ! so is any of your friends having birthday ??.Just copy and paste the code !
Related Searches:-● Wish happy birthday in Facebook chat
● Send happy birthday wish to my Facebook friends
● Make magical codes in Facebook chat
● Codes to wish Happy birthday in Facebook chat
● How do i make customize fonts in Facebook chat
Thank you ,
Deepak Kamat
Comment below
And you will get this :-

Remember you can make your own message , any message you want 'hi' 'hello' whatever you want here : MAKE YOUR OWN MAGICAL WORDS
Your friend will be really happy after seeing the message ! so is any of your friends having birthday ??.Just copy and paste the code !
Related Searches:-● Wish happy birthday in Facebook chat
● Send happy birthday wish to my Facebook friends
● Make magical codes in Facebook chat
● Codes to wish Happy birthday in Facebook chat
● How do i make customize fonts in Facebook chat
Thank you ,
Deepak Kamat
Comment below
Google get's a new style
Post written by Deepak Kamat

So this the new year and everything is getting newer and so the Google is also experimenting on it's look,this look is not currently visible to all users , you can see this only when you are logged out because it's in test and when it's fully out you will be able to use it or may be a disable option too.
This time Google has removed the top bar and brought it into a hover menu, you will notice a small arrow pointing down near the GOOGLE logo in Google's homepage , you just need to hover it and list of menus will appear , if Google make this change and release it to all users it may be possible that some users will face difficulties to navigate through pages , because users were using the bar to navigate to VIDEOS,IMAGES,YOUTUBE etc and there was a sign in button too on the top bar. Yet there's the menu on left side and users can easily navigate through it too.
Have a look what Google is cooking for you !

Do you like this change ? Please comment and rate !
Related Searches:-
● Google's new look
● About Google's new look
● What's new in Google in 2012
● Is Google going to make any change this year
● 2012 Google changes
● Google menu bar disappeared ?
● Changes to Google Looks and Menu bar
● Google's new change is good or bad
● No menu bar in Google
● Google home page changes
Comment Below
Join Zurker - A new way to Socialize
Post written by Deepak Kamat
Hello , today we are talking about a brand new social network which is likely to be launch by April 2012. You maybe thinking what's so special in it and why should i join when i have Facebook,Twitter etc. So think about the new Facebook timeline which is worse of worst and think about twitter and it's awful servers which is always over capacity. History teaches us that we always need to make change like Facebook make change to profile to timeline , YouTube made change to it's template ,background etc. so why not we make a change to the way we get socialize. So for the change Zurker is here !
Advertise on Stramaxon
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This blog is for every person looking for help in Blogger problems or just want to read some tips about blogging. The blog is getting good number of visitors every day and you can get profit from it.
Advertising your product, website or your own weblog on our blog gives you a chance to get some people interested in your product or website and that's how the internet business marketing works. The reason i am not using any ad service is because their ads aren't static and no one knows when and how they are displayed.
Advertising your product, website or your own weblog on our blog gives you a chance to get some people interested in your product or website and that's how the internet business marketing works. The reason i am not using any ad service is because their ads aren't static and no one knows when and how they are displayed.
Ad Sizes and it's rate
The bigger the ad, the more you have to pay. A larger and more visible ads always work better if compared to small ad sizes. See the ads sizes and it's rate
The values are in pixels
The largest ads we can provide. The price is less and affordable.Price : $50 per month
A rectangle banner, small but effective too.Price : $40 per month
The smallest logo/banner based ad. Very affordablePrice : $25 per month
Special text ads
This is the special one, it looks less like a ad and more like content from the post. This will be at the end of the post with your link and a small summary of your content.Price : $35 per month
Contact to buy
Ready to advertise with us ? That will be a great opportunity for your business and our website. If you are ready with your ad banner with the appropriate size then send it to me at depy45631@gmail.comPayments
I accept the payment through Paypal. Once you contact for the ads i will give you the further information.Make HTML document with linking a CSS file
Post written by Deepak Kamat
This will teach you how to make an HTML document and also link a CSS file with it. For some blogspot users, who don't have any paid file hosting service they will also learn how to put CSS in their templates without linking any external CSS file.
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