You will see a new and interesting infographic from Infolinks, the title 'Mad Men' is an American TV show series, Infolinks said they love the series alot, they have named the Infographic as 'Mad Men in the modern Tech World'
'A picture is worth a thousands words' a very true line, but in this modern generation there's one more line 'An Inforgraphic is worth a Billions words !', i know that you are hearing this for the first time (may be) but isn't it 100% true, Infographic says us everything we want to know.
Infographic, is more than just a picture, Infographic contains information in an interesting way and anyone love reading inforgraphics. The Infographics shows characters of 'Mad Men' in modern tech generation.
This Infographic shows how the Characters of Mad Men will how interact with the modern tech world. This imagination has gone so popular, you can see thousands of Pins on Pinterest about this Infographic !
Infolinks 'Mad Men' Infographic
Whoa ! Hope you liked this Infographic from Infolinks team, i loved reading this too, all 'Mad Men' characters were shown 'how they will be the modern generation'. This Infographic is worth a Share, Tweet and +1
We were proud to share this Infographic of Infolinks, now because we really really ! want to win the iPad3, but Infolinks is the first company, that cares about their users and start competitions for their Users, Infolinks has given lots of love and prizes to their users and fans, and because i love Infolinks, that's the main reason i am sharing this Infographic. If you want, you can see the Infographic at Infolinks Blog.
At last who don't want to become Peter Campbell, and have the first iPad3 !
One lucky winner will be selected on 16 April and given a grand prize of brand new sleek iPad 3. So don't forget to share the infographic, Share it, Tweet it, Pin it !
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