Alexa rankings are now seen before someone buys a website or want to advertise on it. It ranks a web site on the basis of it's traffic and demographics count. But this is just a common description about Alexa, there is more you need to know about Alexa for getting a better rank in Alexa.
Millions of webmasters now use Alexa site as a tool to check the traffic rank of any website or blog, lower number in your rank means higher value. Undoubtedly Google is the number 1 because it has the highest traffic than any other site on Alexa.
But driving traffic to the site is all what Alexa sees ? Read ahead
Millions of webmasters now use Alexa site as a tool to check the traffic rank of any website or blog, lower number in your rank means higher value. Undoubtedly Google is the number 1 because it has the highest traffic than any other site on Alexa.
But driving traffic to the site is all what Alexa sees ? Read ahead
Just traffic increases your Alexa ranking ?
Alexa ranks sites on basis of it's traffic, so it's obvious that Alexa ranks a site better because it have some good traffic. But traffic can be now bought on many sources that's not a good mark for a blog or website. I have seen many Facebook page owners offering to share traffic from their site for some $s. And newbies bloggers, who just want to increase traffic accepts to pay and buy the traffic. But did that increased your traffic, the answer is no.I have experimented myself, a blog getting more than 10k pageviews ranked lower than my blog getting about 2k Pageviews per day. And that happened only because the traffic i got on my blog was 70% from search engines but the traffic on other blog was from Facebook.
Now we come to the point that organic traffic is what you want, so buying traffic from Facebook or any other illegal sources can harm your own site and you better keep away from them to make your blog look more professional. If you aren't getting much traffic then never loose hope, if you are making great contents with hardwork then you will see rapid growth of readership on your blog or website.
So, how to get organic traffic ?
The recipe for organic traffic is easy. Make contents on your blog that's useful for others and those which is being searched by others on Google and search engines. You need some Good Blogging tips to learn blogging step by step. I will be adding tips on blogging everyday so subscribe our blog for updates.Publishing new post on your blog always increases the chance of getting higher ranks on Alexa as you are supposed to get a bit of traffic from your new content as well.