Recently I had to work with the WooCommerce REST API to do stuffs with products, mainly create / update it. However with its OAuth 1.0 authentication I couldn't get it just right. The REST API returned authentication error messages.
It was becoming difficult to get one source of information that accurately showed how to make a successful authentication to the WooCommerce REST API.
Finally, after a lot of digging I did manage to get it right and I am sharing it with whoever wants to use it in their systems.
<?php function stramaxon_generate_oauth( $request ) { $wc_rest_api = array( 'key' => '[YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY]', 'secret' => '[YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY]' ); $consumerKey = $wc_rest_api['key']; $signatureMethod = 'HMAC-SHA1'; $timestamp = time(); $nonce = md5(mt_rand()); $version = '1.0'; $oauthSignature = tsw_generateSignature( $request, $timestamp, $nonce, $signatureMethod, $version ) ; // echo "Signature: " . $oauthSignature . "<br>"; return "OAuth oauth_consumer_key=\"{$consumerKey}\",oauth_signature_method=\"{$signatureMethod}\",oauth_timestamp=\"{$timestamp}\",oauth_nonce=\"{$nonce}\",oauth_version=\"1.0\",oauth_signature=\"{$oauthSignature}\""; // return "OAuth oauth_consumer_key={$consumerKey},oauth_signature_method={$signatureMethod},oauth_timestamp={$timestamp},oauth_nonce={$nonce},oauth_version=1.0,oauth_signature={$oauthSignature}"; } function stramaxon_generateSignature($request, $timestamp, $nonce, $signatureMethod, $version) { $wc_rest_api = array( 'key' => '[YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY]', 'secret' => '[YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY]' ); $base = $request['method'] . "&" . rawurlencode( $request['url'] ) . "&" . rawurlencode( "oauth_consumer_key=" . $wc_rest_api['key'] ) . rawurlencode( "&oauth_nonce=" . $nonce ) . rawurlencode( "&oauth_signature_method=" . $signatureMethod ) . rawurlencode( "&oauth_timestamp=" . $timestamp ) . rawurlencode( "&oauth_version=" . $version ); // . rawurlencode( '&' . http_build_query($request['data']) ); $key = rawurlencode($wc_rest_api['secret']) . '&'; $signature = base64_encode( hash_hmac('sha1', $base, $key, true) ); return $signature; }This is it basically. All you got to do is use the
function to generate a OAuth 1.0 string to be used in your HTTP request. But you will notice we are passing a `$request` parameter in that function. It needs to contain an array with the following.
$request = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'url' => '' ) // Then form the request, // Don't get confused by the wp_remote_post, it can be used with a traditional curl request as well $api_url = ''; $api_response = wp_remote_post( $api_url, array( 'method' => 'POST', 'headers' => array( 'Authorization' => stramaxon_generate_oauth( array( $request )), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ), 'body' => json_encode( $post_data ) ) );